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Returns and Complaints

1. Returns

Pursuant to the provisions in force in Poland, a customer who makes a distance purchase, outside the premises of TURBOCLINIC, has the right to withdraw from the sales contract and return the goods without giving a reason. The deadline to withdraw from the sales contract expires after 14 days from the day of receipt of the shipment with the turbine ordered by you. The buyer covers the costs of returning the goods.

The procedure for returning the goods:

The purchased goods can be returned both at the company's premises and by returning the purchased goods to the company's registered office address. In both cases, the following formalities must be completed.

The purchased goods should be returned within 14 days of receiving the shipment with the turbocharger ordered by you.

The company TURBOCLINIC should be informed about the decision to withdraw from the sales contract by filling out  return form  available on the TURBOCLINIC website. This form contains a declaration of withdrawal from the contract, as well as the data of the person returning the goods, i.e. name, surname and order number and information about the returned goods, as well as the account number to which the money is to be returned. Your refund amount will be your purchase amount less shipping costs.

The goods should be returned to the following address:

ul. Zawilcowa 49
62-002 Suchy Las

If possible, please attach the proof of purchase and the return form to the shipment, which will greatly facilitate the process of returning the turbocharger.

The reimbursement will be made immediately, and in any case not later than within 14 days from the date of receipt  by TURBOCLINIC of the goods together with a declaration of withdrawal from the sales contract.


2. Complaints

Each TURBOCLINIC customer receives a 12-month, written warranty on the turbocharger. This warranty is not limited by any mileage limit on the turbocharger purchased from TURBOCLINIC.

In order to submit a complaint, please follow the instructions below:

A complaint may be submitted by filling in the complaint form available on the website of the online store or by submitting a complaint in person at the company's headquarters.

Please print and sign the completed form  complaint form  or a statement on the submitted complaint.

If printing is not possible, please send the completed form to the following e-mail address:

The goods under complaint, together with the completed complaint form, should be sent to the address of the company:

ul. Zawilcowa 49
62-002 Suchy Las

TURBOCLINIC will respond to the Customer's complaint within 14 days from the date of submission of the complaint. You will be notified of the result of the complaint by phone or e-mail.

IMPORTANT: The condition for accepting the complaint is to follow the turbocharger installation instructions contained in the Warranty Card issued by TURBOCLINIC with the goods.

Attention! Before starting the turbocharger, rectify the fault that caused the breakdown. If you send us the old turbocharger and attach a note with a telephone number, in most cases, we are able to provide you with information on the cause of the damage to the old turbocharger.


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